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Water Treatment - Industrial Environmental, INC

Industrial Environmental, Inc. has the equipment and experience to design and implement temporary or permanent water treatment solutions.

Industrial Environmental, Inc. provides mobile water treatment services that include:

  • Metals Cleaning Waste
  • Total Dissolved Solids Reduction
  • Total Suspended Solids Removal
  • pH Equalization

Industrial Environmental, Inc. can incorporate the use of mobile clarification, mechanical dewatering equipment and / or geotextile tubes into a customized treatment system designed and implemented for your project.

Industrial Environmental, Inc. has developed a modular treatment system to treat and potentially recycle the water used to clean air heaters, precipitators, boilers, and other contact parts of coal fired power plants. Our system uses a combination of mechanical treatment, physical chemistry, and custom blended metals removal chemistry to treat and recycle effluent prior to discharge into an existing pond or pre-treatment prior to an on-site wastewater treatment plant. Since our system is modular, it can be economically sized to the unique requirements of each facility we work with.

Industrial Environmental, Inc. can also provide assistance with water treatment plant construction and rehabilitation. Existing equipment repair, reconditioning, or optimization are an available option. We carry a full line of new plate and frame filter presses, centrifugal pumps, clarification equipment, and polymer feed systems. We can also assist our customers with filtration, clarification, deionization, or reverse osmosis for your process water requirements.
